Assessment of Student Learning
Student learning assessment is a process by which information is gathered and critically examined to better understand what our students are learning in relation to stated learning goals. The assessment learning cycle is ongoing and continuously changing to ensure the highest levels of quality in academics, student support and Institutional development.
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
- Apply skills and knowledge
- Communicate effectively
- Think critically
- Act Responsibly
Ten Year Assessment Results by ISLO (PDF)
Assessment Dashboard (PDF)
Outcomes Diagram (PDF)
General Education Learning Outcomes
- Think Critically
Produce a defensible conclusion or solution using critical or creative thinking. - Communicate Effectively
Communicate effectively in oral, written, or symbolic expression. - Think Civically
Demonstrate an understanding of diverse societies, ranging from local to global, in order to engage effectively in civic life. - Cultivate Wellness
Demonstrate an understanding of wellness principles to promote physical and personal health. - Utilize Technology Effectively
Solve a problem or accomplish a task using technology. - Reason Quantitatively
Use quantitative information or analyze data within context to arrive at meaningful results.
- Think Critically
Recent results and processes
Gen Ed Results
GECAC Actions In Repsonse to Assessement
GECAC How We Use Data
GELO Change Overview
Gen Ed Improvement Overview 2023
Academic Program Learning Outcomes
Ten Year Assessment Results for Programs
Program Assessment Stories
Accounting Program Assessment Story
Legal Support Professional Program Assessment Story
Medical Office Professionals Assessment Story
Office Professions Assessment Story
PTA Program Assessment Story
Respiratory Care Program Assessment Story
SKET 110 Report 2023
Welding Program Assessment Story
Co Curricular Learning Outcomes
Library Learning and Instruction Center (LLIC)
LLIC Assessment Report
LLIC Assessment Data 2020-2021
LLIC Assessment Data 2021-2022
LLIC Assessment Plan
Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
TLC Assessment Report
TLC Annual Report 2020-2021
TLC Annual Report 2021-2022
TLC Assessment Plan
Writing Support Center
Writ Center Assessment Report
Writ Center Annual Report 2020-2021
Writ Center Annual Report 2021-2022
Writ Center Assessment Plan
Clubs and Student Activities
Student Leadership Program Assessment Report
Student Leadership Assessment Plan
Student Learning Assessment Committee (SLAC)
Provides input on the quality of assessment work and makes recommendations that will enhance student learning assessment at Delta College. This is accomplished through scheduled discussions with assessment facilitators and by providing resources and mentoring.
2024–2025 Membership
- Alison Ginter, SES
- Bryan Graybill, HW Faculty
- Tim McGuire, SciMath Faculty
- Lisa O'Laughlin, BTec Faculty
- Brent Pashak, BTec Faculty
- Michelle Pratt, LLIC
- Keith Proctor, BTec Faculty
- Andrew Rieder, AL Faculty
- Amber Sleight, HW Faculty
- Eric Wiesenauer, SciMath Faculty and GECAC Liaison
- Daniel Allen, Associate Dean Liason
Exofficio Membership
- Emily Clement, Academic AP Support
- Reva Curry, VP of Instruction and Learning Services
- David Hopkins, Dean of Transfer Programs and Online Learning
- Ed Suniga, Dean of Occupational Programs and Workforce Strategies
General Education Curriculum and Assessment Committee (GECAC)
Charged by the Vice President of Instruction and Learning Services with comprehensively overseeing and coordinating Delta's General Education Program Assessment.
2024–2025 Membership
- Casey Armour, Science & Math
- Mark Balawender, Arts & Letters
- Emily Clement, Resource
- JD Garn, Associate Dean
- Angela Guy-Lee, Social Sciences
- David Hopkins, Dean of Transfer Programs & Online Learning
- Carla Murphy, Health & Wellness
- AJ Neumann, Business & Technology
- Brad Pretzer, Science & Math
- Brandon Straight, Social Sciences
- Stacy Stremlow, Advising
- Eric Wiesenauer, Science & Math, Chair
Additional resources
- Act responsibly
- Apply knowledge and skills
- Communicate effectively
- Think critically
Arts and Letters
Business and Technology
- Computer Science & Information Technology Certificate 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Computer Science & Information Technology Web AS 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Legal Support Professional ABS 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Legal Support Professional ABS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Management Entrepreneurship Small Business ABS 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Mechanical Engineering Techology AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Mechatronics Technology AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Mechatronics Technology Certificate 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Skilled Trades Electrician Appreticeship AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Skilled Trades Electrician Appreticeship Certificate 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Skilled Trades Electrician Appreticeship Certificate 2017-2018 (PDF)
General Education
Health and Wellness
- Group Fitness Instructor Certificate 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Health Fitness Specialist AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Health Fitness Specialist Certificate 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Nursing AS 2014-2015 (PDF)
- Personal Trainer Certificate 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Practical Nursing Certificate 2015-2016 (PDF)
- Physical Therapist Assistant AS 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Physical Therapist Assistant AS 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Physical Therapist Assistant AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Physical Therapist Assistant AS 2017-2018 (PDF)
- Radiography Associate AS 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Radiography Associate AS 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Radiography Associate AS 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Respiratory Care AS 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Surgical Technology AS 2014-2015 (PDF)
Science and Mathematics
Social Sciences
- Child Development AA 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Corrections AA 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Corrections AA 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Corrections AA 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Corrections AA 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Digital Forensics 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Digital Forensics 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement AA 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement AA 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement AA 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement AA 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Loss Prevention Specialist AA 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement with Basic Police Training AA 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement with Basic Police Training AA 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement with Basic Police Training AA 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Criminal Justice Law Enforcement with Basic Police Training AA 2018-2019 (PDF)
- History 2021-2022 (PDF)
- History 2020-2021 (PDF)
- History 2019-2020 (PDF)
- History 2018-2019 (PDF)
- History 2015-2016 (PDF)
- Political Science 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Political Science 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Psychology 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Sociology 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Sociology 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Sociology 2018-2019 (PDF)
- Sociology 2017-2018 (PDF)
- Sociology 2016-2017 (PDF)
- Sociology 2015-2016 (PDF)
- Youth Services Certificate 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Youth Services Certificate 2017-2019 (PDF)
- Youth Services Certificate 2014-2015 (PDF)