Current Facilities Projects
Delta's Facilities Management department oversees the planning, development and implementation of projects of various scopes, including capital renewal and maintenance, programmatic upgrades, and preventive maintenance.
As part of a comprehensive master planning process, a Facilities Master Plan (FMP) was developed by TowerPinkster to identify new projects and major renovations based on space utilization and future institutional and programmatic needs. The core principles of a Facilities Master Plan are to build a comprehensive blueprint for the strategic development of the college. The Master Plan is a crucial part of the college's facilities' longer-term goals, providing a structured approach and guidance to the college. The FMP is a living document, designed to evolve and adapt to the college's needs while holding the foundation strong.
We systematically approach project development to ensure success regardless of the project undertaken. Our goal, with an eye on sustainability and budget consciousness, is to create an environment that fosters student success. Please take a look at our 5-Year Capital Outlay Plan.
Current projects
Below is a list of current projects, which have been a collaborative effort on the part of the campuses and the Facilities Planning & Construction department, along with input from industry professionals. Each project considers Delta College's mission, vision and values to serve our students while maintaining safe facilities.
Information Technology and Computer Science
K Wing Renovation
This project will renovate Delta College’s Information Technology, Computer Science and Office Professions wing, located on its main campus. The current facilities were constructed in 1961 with only minor updates since. Although the existing building has been maintained well, many of the architectural finishes, mechanical and electrical systems are at the end of their useful life and need to be replaced to meet the needs of the current programs and learning environments.
The area being proposed for renovation is approximately 11,700 square feet, located on the east side of our main campus building, located in Bay County, but serving students from Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties. When upgraded and revitalized, the area will provide state-of-the-art computer lab and classroom spaces for multiple computer and business courses. Along with the upgrades, 4,673 square feet of new space has been programmed to be added on to the building including an expanded cybersecurity classroom, multiple shared computer science classroom and lab spaces, along with needed storage, and support spaces.
Main Campus Chiller Plant Upgrade and Renovations
Delta College operates a Main Campus Chilled Water Plant that provides cooling for the entire campus. Chilled water from the plant is pumped around campus to the air handlers, which utilize the chilled water to lower the temperature of air. The cooled air is then distributed to rooms as required to satisfy the temperature setpoint of the space. The various components of our chiller plant are anywhere from 10 to 28 years old. Due to the age of the equipment the plant is operating at less-than-optimal performance.
Upgrades will include replacement of the existing chiller plant consisting of four 750-ton chillers, four cooling towers, and 81 ice storage tanks. The existing plant will be replaced with two 1000-ton magnetic bearing centrifugal liquid chillers, one 800-ton magnetic bearing centrifugal liquid chiller, one 200-ton air cooled chiller, and three cooling towers. Filtration refrigerant monitoring systems will also be upgraded as part of the project.
The area being proposed for upgrades and renovation is approximately 4,000 square feet, located on the north side of our University Center campus building. Upgrades will include replacements to the college’s main chiller systems 1 & 2 and a refurbishing of chiller systems 3 & 4. Cooling towers and filtration systems replacement and upgrades are also planned as part of the project. The existing space will require reconstruction in order to accommodate new systems.
When upgraded, the area will reduce college operating costs through energy conservation and maintenance savings. The project began November 2024 and is expected to be finished by February 2025.
Main Campus Nature Trail
Delta College's Main Campus sits on 640 acres of beautiful, spacious land in Frankenlust Township. The woods consist primarily of hardwoods, including a section of old-growth maple trees, deciduous trees, and some fruit trees along the southwest section of trails. The College has developed trails throughout the property for the college community and the public to enjoy. We are currently in the process of improving the trails and adding maps and signage throughout.
Trail system maps can be found by visiting our website or the AllTrails app. We welcome you to visit the trails and appreciate your feedback!