Automated Attendance Notifications

Based on attendance records, taken by faculty in Self-Service, unexcused absence information is used to communicate with students after at least three absences to encourage them to be in touch with their professor, be provided with resources and information on course completion options. We appreciate your feedback regarding the submission of attendance in Self-Service and attendance alerts in previous terms within the Student Support System (SSS). In an effort to enhance our processes, we have implemented Automated Attendance Notifications. These notifications will automatically send email communications to students based on your submission of attendance in Self-Service. As of Fall 2024, we are also sending a text message to students upon their third notice email, shown in the PDF below, with an option to have their Student Success Advisor call them for assistance.

As part of this improvement, faculty members are no longer able to submit a referral for an attendance option. This change is aimed at avoiding duplication of communications and preventing overwhelming messages to the students. For further information, please refer to the Automated Attendance Notifications Process Map and Communications (PDF).

Frequently asked questions

    1. Students and Faculty are sent automatic notices if students have been marked as missing 1 or more accelerated or 2 or more fifteen-week classes as part of the new Student Support System automated process for attendance.  
    2. Students can see the exact dates they have been marked as absent or tardy for your course in their Student-Self-Service account, making their attendance standing transparent and helping them take responsibility for their performance in your course. 
    3. Relatedly, Delta College is an attendance-taking school. As such, Faculty are to take attendance for their classes.