Delta’s Technology Strategies, Priorities & Projects Review Structure (SP2)
Delta’s Technology Strategies, Priorities, and Projects Review (SP2) Structure provides strategic leadership, establishes college-wide technology priorities and policies that align with the College’s mission and operates according to the goals and objectives outlined in Delta College’s Strategic Plan.
This Technology SP2 Structure efficiently facilitates needed communication and collaboration across departmental silos and enhances clarity of strategy. The revised approach will also reduce repeat-communication review loops, clarify expectations, and shorten the project time.
The College’s Technology SP2 structure provides an integrated flow of information, collaboration, and decisions to support both executive-level priorities and operational-level activities. It establishes a mechanism for overseeing the implementation of strategic technology projects and outcomes by providing a consistent forum for collaboration on strategic and tactical plans. This structure is also designed to enable multi-year planning and resource allocation to fund strategic and tactical initiatives.

The Steering Committee
Delta’s Technology SP2 structure is administered by the Technology Steering Committee (Steering), co-chaired by the Director of Business Services and the Chief Information Officer. Its members include administrators who meet quarterly and report to the President’s Cabinet. The structure also includes several Technology SP2 advisory standing teams that meet regularly to review charges and requests and provide recommendation input to the Technology Steering Committee.
Technology Steering Committee (Steering)
This committee will provide executive-level leadership in setting Information Technology direction, establishing goals and priorities, making decisions, recommending policies, and establishing procedures and standards.
The Technology Steering Committee (STEERING) will provide executive-level leadership in setting Information Technology direction, establishing goals and priorities, making decisions, and recommending policies and establishing procedures and standards. STEERING will foster collaborative partnerships across the College through Technology Advisory Teams to ensure technology decisions, initiatives, and resources are aligned with institutional priorities for teaching and learning, enrollments and engagement, operational efficiencies, and overall effectiveness to position the College for the future. It will report to the President's Cabinet and serve as a direct liaison to other institutional governance bodies, such as Delta's Council on Innovation, Belonging and Equity (CIBE) shared governance body, to which it will give periodic updates. It will develop an annual charge and set of expectations for all standing and ad hoc teams it establishes.
- Jon Foco, Interim Vice President of Business and Finance (Co-Chair)
- Josh Berry, Chief Information Officer (Co-Chair)
- Vice President of Student Empowerment and Success
- Dean of Enrollment and Access
- Dean of Occupational Programs and Workforce Strategies
- Dean of Transfer Programs and Online Learning
- Director of Marketing and Media Relations
- Director of Human Resources
- Director of Facilities Management
- Controller
Administrative Applications Technology Team (Admin Apps)
This advisory standing team will provide overall leadership for the institution’s decision-making and use of technology related to enterprise applications.
The standing Administrative Applications Technology Team (ADMIN APPS) will provide overall leadership for the institution's decision-making and use of technology related to enterprise applications. It will report to the Technology Steering Committee and collaborate with other standing teams, governance bodies, and campus departments on relevant plans and initiatives. It will develop a charge and set of expectations for each ad hoc team it establishes. It will work with Delta's Office of Information Technology (OIT) to develop tactical and operational implementation plans for the College's strategic and technology planning. It also serves as a primary communication vehicle for ADMIN APPS technology-related matters with constituencies in the campus faculty and staff community.
Examples of items which would be reviewed by the ADMIN APPS team would include changes or recommendations related to: Colleague, Self-Service, Experience, Recruit, Advise, Etrieve, 25Live, etc.
- Kim Katzer, Registrar (Co-Chair)
- Meghan Sadler, Office of Information and Technology Director (Co-Chair)
- Associate Dean of Retention
- Director of Financial Aid
- Student Billing Manager
- Director of Downtown Centers
- Associate Dean – Business and Technology Division
- Student Success Technologist/Communication Coordinator
- Admissions Technologist/Communications Coordinator
- Academic Systems and ISS Coordinator
- Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty
Data Standards And Information Security Team (Data And Infosec)
This advisory standing team will provide overall leadership in the review, evaluation, and interpretation of all issues related to the College’s information security governance, compliance, data governance and protection, and privacy programs.
The standing Data Standards and Information Security Team (DATA AND INFOSEC) will provide leadership in the development, implementation, and maintenance of college-wide data management, standards, and guidelines. In view of the College's risk exposure to data security issues, the committee will provide leadership in the review, evaluation, and interpretation of all issues related to the College's information security governance, compliance, data protection, and privacy programs. The committee will recommend to the Technology Steering Committee policy and procedures for protecting the institution?s data, systems, and information assets.
Examples of items which would be reviewed by the DATA AND INFOSEC team would include changes or recommendations related to: the College’s Information Security (“InfoSec”) Program, GLBA and Security- Related Regulations, Data Governance, Cybersecurity Policy and Procedures, etc.
- Josh Berry, Chief Information Officer (Co-Chair)
- Director of Institutional Research (Co-Chair)
- Facilities Administration Manager
- Dean of Student Success
- Human Resources Generalist
- Manager of the TLC and Testing Center Manager
- Assistant Controller
- Associate Dean – Social Sciences Division
- Director of Public Safety
- Office of Information and Technology Director
- Office of Information and Technology Director
- Technologist/Financial Aid Advisor
- Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty
Educational Technology Team (Edtech)
This advisory standing team will provide overall leadership for the institution’s decision-making and use of technology related to teaching and learning.
The standing Educational Technology Team (EDTECH) will provide overall leadership for the institution's decision-making and use of technology related to teaching and learning. It will report to the Technology Steering Committee and collaborate with other standing teams, governance bodies, and campus departments on relevant plans and initiatives. It will develop a charge and set of expectations for each ad hoc committee it establishes It will work with Delta's Office of Information Technology (OIT) to develop tactical and operational implementation plans for the College's strategic and technology planning. It also serves as a primary communication vehicle for EDTECH technology-related matters with constituencies in the campus faculty and staff community.
Examples of items which would be reviewed by the EDTECH team would include changes or recommendations related to: D2L Brightspace, ELearning Apps, Classroom Technologies, Zoom, Audio-Visual Gear, HyFlex Classrooms, WolframAlpha, etc.
- JD Garn, Associate Dean – Arts and Letters Division (Co-Chair)
- Landon Rowe, Office of Information and Technology Director (Co-Chair)
- Nursing Faculty
- Broadcasting Station Engagement Coordinator
- Associate Dean – Health and Wellness Division
- eLearning LMS and Multimedia Design Technologist
- TLC Technologist
- Director of Workforce Strategies
- Assistant Director of Business Services
- Political Science Faculty
- Chemistry Faculty/eLearning Coordinator
- Manager of Recruitment
Web And Digital Communications Team (Web And Comm)
This advisory standing team will provide overall leadership for the institution’s decision-making and use of technology related to technology-enabled communications.
The standing Web and Digital Communications Team (WEB AND COMM) will provide overall leadership for the institution?s decision-making and use of technology related to technology-enabled communications. It will report to the Technology Steering Committee and collaborate with other standing committees, governance bodies, and campus departments on relevant plans and initiatives. It will develop a charge and set of expectations for each ad hoc committee it establishes. It will work with Delta's Office of Information Technology (OIT) to develop tactical and operational implementation plans for the College's strategic and technology planning. It also serves as a primary communication vehicle for WEB AND COMM technology related matters with constituencies in the campus faculty and staff community.
Examples of items which would be reviewed by the WEB AND COMM team would include changes or recommendations related to: Mongoose, Coordinated Communication Planning, Social Media, the College’s Website and Digital Presence, Texting Apps, etc.
- Leanne Govitz, Director of Marketing and Media Relations (Chair)
- Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
- Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Student and Educational Services
- Director of Belonging, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Broadcasting General Manager
- Web Content Marketing Coordinator
- Associate Dean – Science and Mathematics Division
- Manager of Business and Auxiliary Services
- Office of Information and Technology Director
- Associate Dean of Enrollment Management
- English Faculty
Frequently asked questions
There are three ways that projects, initiatives and priorities are handed over to our new SP2 Teams for review. They are:
- Via strategic projects
The SP2 Teams will be involved in projects and charges arising directly from Delta’s Strategic Plan work. - By filling out the SP2 Technology Project Request Form
To formally submit your technology-related project or initiative, please send it via the SP2 Technology Project Request Etrieve form. Once submitted it will be routed directly to the SP2 Teams. - By requesting a conversation about potential projects
All Delta staff and faculty have the option to be included on the monthly team meeting agenda to have a conversation about potential projects. If you want to discuss a technology project or initiative that is not ready for formal submission via the SP2 Technology Request Form, please reach out to the appropriate SP2 Team chair(s) and request to be placed on the next monthly meeting agenda. All team chairs are listed on this page.
- Via strategic projects
The current membership of the SP2 Teams was organized through a collaborative review process and in consultation with the Delta College Faculty Association (DCFA). Team descriptions and membership will be reviewed and updated annually. If you are interested in joining one of these teams, please email Jon Foco or Josh Berry to let them know.
SP2 is not a CIBE subcommittee, but will work in partnership with CIBE to share information whenever it is requested, needed, recommended or beneficial.
The Admin Apps SP2 Team monthly meetings are public and meet the 4th Thursday of every month from 3–5pm in person and on zoom. If you would like to attend the meeting, the proposed agenda for each meeting is shared below. Please contact one of the co-chairs if you would like to attend.
May 23 agenda:
- OER discussion
- Digital ID cards
- Attendance taking concerns with Self Service
June 27 agenda:
- OER repository options
- Tentative - Motorcycle registration
- GivePulse review
- TLC TracCloud
July 25 agenda:
- SaaS overview and introduction
- Old business - OER, LDOA, GivePulse, Attendance Update
- New business - Motorcycle registration, Accessible Information Management (AIM), Feature Upvote, AMSA S.A.F.E
August 22 agenda:
- Meeting canceled
September 26 agenda:
- Next scheduled meeting
- Pending