Marketing and Media Relations

Using the Delta College strategic plan as the foundation for storytelling, Marketing and Media Relations reinforces the Delta brand as a community college dedicated to promoting local students, higher education and the public good.

Our team creates and delivers a comprehensive and strategic marketing and communications plan through print, web, electronic communications, advertising, photography, video, media relations, social media content and event support.

Marketing services

Communication is key to the success of Delta College, and it is important that all college constituencies provide a consistent tone and image when communicating with our various audiences. The Marketing department is responsible for maintaining those brand standards. For that reason, we ask that you work with us on projects requiring design, writing and photography that are going off campus, are for recruiting purposes or are communicating to prospective students.

We provide free support to other Delta departments wishing to promote their services and/or events. Please use the Marketing Request form to request a project from the Marketing department. 

In general, a project will take four weeks from start to finish. The Marketing Director will be in contact with you to discuss your project further once you submit this form.

Delta College business cards are available to Delta College faculty and staff members. An official Delta College business card template should be used and all printing should be done through Delta College Printing Services.

By acquiring Delta College business cards, you are agreeing to represent Delta College.


    • Only the official Delta College logo should be used. Additional logos, including Delta College secondary logos, should not be included.
    • Use your Delta College address, phone number and email. Additional phone numbers, such as a cell phone number, can be added if desired. However, personal email accounts or web addresses should not be included.
    • Students, including student workers, should not obtain Delta College business cards with their personal name.
    • The template should not be changed, added to, or altered. Any deviations from the standard template can be requested by contacting the Marketing department, B155.
    • The back side of the business card should only have Delta's mission statement.
    • The only colors used on Delta's business cards should be Delta green (PMS 3425) and Delta's secondary light green (PMS 360). No other color should be substituted or added.

Work directly with Printing Services to order your business cards.

Production of Dateline Delta is coordinated by the Marketing department in collaboration with Delta College Public Media. It is an excellent way to share what we are doing to serve our communities and to build enthusiasm and support for the college.

Help us make Dateline Delta reflective of our quality education and services by sending story ideas to Leanne Govitz at All suggestions for Dateline Delta may not be used, but we do appreciate your input.

The Delta News App has two news feeds, one for employees and one for current students. If you have a message you'd like to communicate to employees or students please submit the story. Messages are usually posted for 2–4 days and can be submitted by any employee. Messages can be posted for the next day if it is received by 2pm.

Submit a Delta News announcement

Types of projects

    • Audio/radio
    • Digital signage (interior or roadway) – See the Digital Signage Guide (PDF).
    • Events calendar
    • Letterhead
    • News release and homepage feature/news story
    • Mass email
    • Paid external media campaign -- search, social media or in-app ads, radio, TV, etc.
    • Photography
    • Powerpoint templates: version 1
    • Social media - Delta's main channels
    • Video – Please allow at least 10 weeks for video planning and production. All video projects must support the college's and Marketing's strategic initiatives. Please make an appointment with Marketing to discuss project as soon as possible.
    • Website

Submit a Marketing Request

Several times a year, the Marketing Department offers open sessions for faculty and staff to have a professional photo taken for the online employee directory. If you need a photo, and a session is not available, please email to schedule an appointment with the college photographer. 

Delta College ceremonies and events are the celebrations that bring life to our campus. Events are important components in Delta's efforts to build and maintain positive relationships with internal and external community members to generate understanding of and support for the college. It is important that all events are created, planned and carried out in an effective and quality way.

Tips for planning and promoting events

    1. Consult the Delta College public calendar to consider the best date for your event and what is already scheduled. Work with the content lead in your Department/Division to post the event to the calendar. Contact Amanda Hammond at if you are not sure who your content lead is for your group.
    2. Reserve your room through
    3. Complete the Marketing Request form. In general, requests must be received at least four weeks in advance of the activity or postcard mailing date, etc.
    4. Posters can be created through Marketing and in some cases, Printing Services. 

Promotional opportunities

If you would like your event to be considered for a featured story on the website, in-depth external advertising/promotion or an announcement/commercial on 90.1FM or Delta College Public Media, please discuss that with Leanne Govitz, Marketing Director, These opportunities are reserved for marquee events. The Marketing department will make all outside press contacts.

Faculty & Staff



    • If you would like your event announced on 90.1FM or the Delta College Public Media community calendar, please discuss that with Leanne Govitz at
    • Contact Leanne Govitz for the alumni/donor newsletter Pioneer Spirit and/or semi-annual Journeys magazine,

Submit a Marketing Request

Everyone loves Duck! To leverage our purchasing power, streamline our array of items and speed up delivery times, we've developed a Duck-centeric giveaways catalog. Please reach out to and we’ll send you the catalog.


We have a staff photographer/videographer who captures the images and emotions the college uses to help tell our story. The images and words you use in print, digital and video are a strong reflection of the Delta brand. Diversity of race, culture, lifestyle and age are important in conveying the true Delta experience. 

It is the practice of the college to obtain a release form from individuals participating in photo or video shoots unless it's a public event.


Underscore your message with the visual interest and engagement video can bring to your campaign. We will work with you and our colleagues in public media production to create a script and storyboard, identify talent, schedule a shoot, and assist media with production logistics and editing. Video projects can take many weeks to complete, please contact us to discuss your project idea as soon as possible.

All graphic designs for the college goes through the Marketing department unless approved by the Director of Marketing. 

Design process

    1. Discuss new project with Marketing Director
    2. Marketing designs materials
    3. Sends proof of materials to you for review
    4. Marketing will correct any errors you find
    5. Another proof will be provided for your approval
    6. Marketing will send approved file to Printing Services
    7. You will work directly with Printing to complete the project

Types of projects

    • Poster (11x17)
    • Flyer (8.5x11)
    • Table tent
    • Brochure
    • Invitation – please consider mailing time in your timeline
    • Postcard
    • Banner
    • Graphic element
    • Giveaways

Submit a Marketing Request

Delta has chosen to have official accounts and actively participate on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, which are managed by Marketing. If you have a message you'd like to post to social media, please send it to us.

If you are creating or managing a social media account for Delta College department or activity, we encourage you to meet with the college's social media administrator to discuss ownership, naming, branding and messaging.

Delta College is an active member of the community and therefore routinely approves requests for logo merchandise or advertising-related support.

Learn more about sponsorships

The Marketing department oversees Delta College’s informational online spaces which are separated into three sites, each catering to a specific audience. It is important for all three sites to be accessible and represent Delta’s high standards. Our goal is to satisfy our online visitors’ reasons for coming to one of Delta’s websites and have them leave with easily accessible, reliable information. 

The recruiting website ( provides relevant and compelling information about programs, people, unique-selling features and services in an accessible and engaging manner to the future student audience, as well as other audiences such as parents and the community.

Inside Delta is designed for current students and employees of Delta College and is also now publicly available. The goal of Inside Delta is to connect users with all of the information they need to be successful during their time at Delta.

See the Delta College Brand Standards for social media, video, website content and writing style guides. 

Reusable content

To ensure accuracy, please reference the following institutional information each time you list any of this content.

Bay County
Barb M. Handley-Miller
Diane M. Middleton, ‘88
Michael D. Rowley, ‘90

Midland County
Stacey L. Gannon (Chair), ‘20
Michael P. Nash, ’14
Wm. Michael Wood

Saginaw County
Arshen R. Baldwin (Vice Chair)
Alex S. Clark
Alexis S. Thomas

Dr. Michael Gavin

Paul J. Barbeau (Chair)
Brooke L. Beebe
Octavia Walters Cabey
Todd E. Clements
Benjamin M. Denay
Dr. Richard J. Dolinski
Heather L. Gallegos (Vice Chair)
Stacey L. Gannon
Barbara M. Handley-Miller
Michael L. Hanisko
Karl T. Ieuter
Patrice M. Lanczak
Jonathan E. Lauderbach
Edward M. Lesniak
Dr. Roslyn E. McQueen
Guy C. Moulthrop
Magen M Samyn
Patricia A. Shaheen
Herbert A. Spence, III (Past Chair)
Alexis S. Thomas
Christian A. Velasquez

Delta College Representatives
Dr. Michael Gavin (Secretary); Pamela N. Clark, ’77 (Executive Director); Jon W. Foco (Treasurer)

Delta College embraces equal opportunity as a core value:  we actively promote, advocate, respect and value differences, and we foster a welcoming environment of openness and appreciation for all. Delta prohibits discrimination in accordance with, and as defined by, applicable federal, state, and local law, particularly non-discrimination in employment, education, public accommodation, or public service on the basis of age, arrest record, color, disability, ethnicity, familial status, gender identity, genetic information, height, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, and weight. Direct inquiries to the Equity/Compliance Officer, Delta College, Office A093, 1961 Delta Rd., University Center, MI 48710, telephone 989-686-9547, or email

Short Statement
Delta College is an Equal Opportunity Organization, committed to excellence through inclusiveness and diversity.


Delta College is dedicated to serving all students, however there are also legal obligations not to discriminate against people with disabilities. The college’s standards for web accessibility are from the guidelines found in section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Worldwide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA. It is important to keep in mind that news and information we share needs to be available to all visitors, including those with visual, hearing, mobility and cognitive disabilities. For a full description of how that impacts development of content on the website, be sure to access the Web Strategy Guide (PDF)

Accessibility also includes all of our electronic communication, including emails sent out to students and the community. Keep in mind that attaching a pdf document to an email, then sending it out to multiple recipients, may be in violation of accessibility standards, which is certainly not our intent.