Time Entry
Hourly and Administrative/Professional employees submit their time worked and leave time used, biweekly in Self Service.
Submitting your timesheet
Timesheets are due on a biweekly basis, by end of the day Friday. A listing of timesheet deadlines and payroll dates can be found at the Payroll Office.
Timesheets are submitted in Self Service.
- Full-time employees: You can click ‘Apply’ to populate default hours from the grayed out Work Schedule row into the Regular Earnings OR by typing in hours for each day under the Regular Earnings row.
- Part-time employees: You can type in your hours for each day under the Regular Earnings row
Remember to utilize the 'additional time' button to adjust Regular Earnings to ensure Total Hours are correct.
If you missed submitting time for a past payroll, please utilize the Web Time Adjustment Form. Once approved by your supervisor, your hours will be added to the following payroll.
Questions regarding timesheets or submitting your time please contact Stephanie Kontranowski at stephaniekontranowsk@delta.edu
Holiday & Spring/Summer Schedule FAQs
Reviewing your leave balances
To view available leave balances, click the blue ‘View Leave Balances’ button at the top right of your timesheet. A new window will populate, the available balances of your earn types are shown via the ‘balances’ section
Salaried – Eligible for overtime information
- Salaried - Eligible for Overtime Guide (PDF)
- Salaried - Eligible for Overtime FAQs (PDF)
- Supervisor Reminders (PDF)
- Employee Travel Time Guidelines (PDF)
Frequently asked questions about wage and hour issues
FLSA requires that employees be paid for all hours that they are “suffered or permitted to work” - The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that “an employee must be compensated for all time spent in physical or mental exertion (whether burdensome or not) controlled or required by the employer and pursued necessarily and primarily for the benefit of the employer or his business” - Employees can be disciplined for working unapproved overtime.
Travel away from home with overnight stay is compensable as physical hours worked when it coincides with the employee’s workday hours, even if the travel occurs on non-work days. With overnight trips, travel time as a passenger on a train, bus, plane, etc. (recognized public conveyance) outside of regular working hours is not considered work time and is not compensable. However, if that employee drives a car outside his/her regular work hours, and was not offered public conveyance, must be compensated. In addition, any time spent working outside normal working hours, while traveling as a passenger on a means of public conveyance, would be compensable. For additional information reference: Employee Travel Time Guidelines (PDF).
He/she need not be compensated for time spent traveling to the airport, train depot, bus, etc. (or during a meal period) but must be compensated for all other travel time during that day (i.e. both during and after his/her regular working hours). For additional information reference: Employee Travel Time Guidelines (PDF)
All 4 requirements MUST be met if the work is not counted as physical hours worked:
- Attendance is outside of the employee’s regular working hours;
- Attendance is entirely voluntary (absence of even subtle pressure to attend);
- The course, lecture or meeting is not directly related to the employee’s job; and
- The employee does not perform any productive work during such attendance
As cited in federal regulations (29 CFR § 553.101-106) in order for the time to be non-compensable their services must be offered freely and without pressure or coercion, direct or implied, from an employer. Additionally they must not perform the same type of services as those for which they have been employed. Otherwise the individual must be compensated for services provided.
Employees serving on college committees which meet outside their normal work hours must be compensated for their time. All committee work should be conducted within the normal work hours for a non-exempt employee unless the supervisor approves overtime or a flexible schedule to adjust for meeting times. Flexible scheduling is at the discretion of the supervisor based upon the needs of the department.
Public employers may pay time and one-half over 40 hours worked in “comp-time” to the employee (employees choice). The public sector has the option of allowing employees to accrue compensatory leave credits at time and one half in lieu of payment for overtime. However, if the employee terminates employment prior to using the compensatory leave credits the employer must pay for them.
Employees must be permitted a “duty-free” lunch period when they are unpaid for a 30 minute lunch period. The Supervisor should ensure the employee is not at the desk answering phones or responding to questions to avoid overtime and penalties by the DOL.