Senate Elected Committees

Senate Executive Board

(Two-year terms expiring January 31)
The Senate Executive Board will provide a leadership role in initiating and/or coordinating all policy matters that come before the Senate. The Board appoints Senate committees and chairs and monitors their work.  The SEB establishes the agenda for Senate meetings.

Donna Giuliani, Senate President
Mark Mitchell, Senate Vice President
Dawn Fairchild, Past Senate President
Jean Goodnow, College President (Ex Officio)
Aurelian Balan (2023)
Chris Curtis (2022)
Elena Lazzari (2023)
Andrew Rieder (2022)
Elizabeth Ullrich (2022)

Sabbatical Leave and Grants Committee

(Three-year terms expiring January 31)
The Sabbatical Leaves and Grants Committee will review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding sabbatical leaves, educational grants, released time projects, and development and publication of educational materials by Delta College personnel.

Laura Dull, FA (2023)
Janis Heugel, FA (2021)
Kim Wells, FA (2021)
Renee Hoppe, FA (2023)
Andrea Bair, FA Chair (2022)
Pam Clark, A/P (Appointed)
Marcia Thomas, Board Member (Appointed)
Mike Garlick, A/P (2022)
Krysta Vincent (2023)
Wendy Martin, SS (2022)
Stacey Shinkel, SS (2023)

Faculty Executive Committee

(Three-year terms expiring December 31)
The Faculty Executive Committee will represent and pursue faculty interests; will initiate and recommend academic change and innovation; will oversee elections for the FEC, Grievance, Sabbatical Leave and Faculty Salary Committees; will review the Academic Promotion Policy and Guidelines.

Daisy McQuiston, Chair (2021)
Cindy Kramer (2022)
Meredith Bladecki (2022)
Crystal McMorris (2021)
Donna Giuliana (Ex Officio, Senate President)
Wendy Szafranski (2023)
Adna Howell (2021)
Liz Ullrich (2023)
Ski VanderLaan (2023)
Lisa Wall (2022)